Bach: Brandenburg concertos 1-7 (Cambridge B.C.)

Bach: Brandenburg concertos 1-7 (Cambridge B.C.)
Kategorier: Hälsokost
49 SEK
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The Six Concertos Johann Sebastian Bach bestowed the Margrave of Brandenburg in 1721 are a comon delight to most music music lovers. The ‘Seventh’’ featured in this set is a realisation of the G minor sonata for viola da gamba and obligato harpsichord (BWV 1029). As comon parctice in Bachs’ time often had it, most music had no rigorous instrumentation - if it was to your liking You played it with the instruments that was at hand. The arrengment heard on on this recording is by Duncan Druce and takes the 6th Brandenburg Concerto as a model for its instrumentation. THE CAMBRIDGE BAROQUE CAMERATA was founded in 1984 by its director, the British harpsichordist Jonathan Hellyer Jones, to perform the music of the 17th and 18th centuries on period instruments. Since its foundation the group has toured throughout England and Scotland as well as giving regular concerts in Cambridge and London in programmes using from two to thirty players. More recently the Camerata has toured in France where it has begun to establish itself as an ensemble with style and sensivity. Both in the U.K. and France the camerata collaborated with choirs in oratorio performances, providing a firm but transparent support. JONATHAN HELLYER JONES has spent much of his life in cambridge where he read music at St. John’s Collage. Ha was awarded a John Stewart of rannoch Scholarship and in 1972 recived the first Brian Runnett Memorial Price for organ playing. He now lives in Cambridge where he teaches at both universities, specialising in baroque performance practice, and is a senior member of Hughes Hall, a graduate collage.